Chapter 10 - Neighborhoods

Jefferson state is a large, relatively rural region. This makes discussing the neighborhood structures more difficult than in an urban area with more defined social stratification because the majority of the population lives in farm business-related towns and small towns. In addition, the only easily available demographic data is not detailed enough to describe any high resolution neighborhood structure.

I will focus on a single area around Medford and Ashland. Click the images below for larger versions.

This map reveals the population density in Ashland, Medford, and the surrounding areas. Notice the higher population densities in the urban downtown areas of Medford and Ashland, and less population density in the surrounding area.

This map reveals the age distribution in and around Medford and Ashland. Notice the disproportionate percentage of younger people in the urban, densely populated areas and the older people further out.

This map reveals the percentage of the population with a college education. Notice the concentration in Ashland. Keep in mind there is a popular university in Ashland, which likely influenced this data.

This map reveals the distribution of married couples. Notice the lower concentration of married couples who live in the urban downtown areas of Medford and Ashland.

This map reveals the distribution of people who rent their houses instead of owning them. Notice the high concentration of renters in the urban areas of Medford and Ashland.

This data coincides with the neighborhood trends we read about in our book. Clearly, due to the differences in distribution of things like married couples, age, population, and other factors, there is some segregation in this area. It is likely (although I don't have the actual data) that within the urbanized areas of Medford and Ashland are urban workers, upscale urbanites, and some middle class suburbs. Farther from the urbanized areas are likely more small towners engaged in farm business-related activities. Due to the fact that the population has not grown beyond the physical limits of this region, the suburban/urban border is not as well defined as in higher populated areas. Also, not all neighborhood classifications are found in cities with smaller populations.